Way back in the dark ages of the internet, I was a member of a lovely, supportive group of harpers. At some point in their history, someone had the bright idea that we should create a harper's songbook by all contributing one original piece of music. Someone would print it up, collate it, and send it out to anyone who contributed. This sounded like a fine idea to me... except for one minor detail: I was NOT a composer. Nonetheless, I took to humming odd bits of tunes, trying things out in my head, and plinking about on my harp. This is the arrangement that eventually grew out of that project. As far as I can remember, it's the first piece of music I ever wrote, and to this day, I am still insanely proud of it. All this, just to say, there is music inside of you. Find a reason to let it out.
This song was named for my grandmother, Grace Haile Lowe. She taught me much about Life, Love, and Laughter.
Here's the sheet music for harp (in the key of C), for "Gentle Grace".
Here's the sheet music for tin whistle (in the key of G), for "Gentle Grace".
Listen to Gentle Grace, or download the mp3 file.
Needs a recording.