This is, hands down, one of the loveliest pieces of period music I have ever run across. People consistently say that hearing it makes them feel like they are back in the Middle Ages. The original can be found in a collection of songs published by Jehan Chardavoine in 1576. called "Recueil des plus belles et excellentes chansons en forme de voix de ville, tirées de divers autheurs et Poëtes François, tant anciens que modernes. Ausquelles a esté nouvellement adaptée la Musique de leur chant commun, à fin que chacun les puisse chanter en tout endroit qu'il se trouvera, tant de voix que sur les instruments" ("Collection of the most beautiful and excellent songs in the form of voix de ville, taken from various French authors and poets, both ancient and modern. To which texts have been newly adapted the music of their main tune, so that anyone may sing it at whichever place they may be, on voice as well as on instruments")
Here's the sheet music (in the key of Am), for "Mignonne, allons voir si la rose".
Here are the lyrics and chords (in the key of G), for "Blessings".
Listen to Blessings, or download the mp3 file.
Here is a YouTube video, of me singing "Blessings".